Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Before You Say Goodbye: Four Ways To Have Fun With High School Friends Before College

In a couple of months, you’ll be in a new city, new state, or just down the street beginning your college experience! You and your friends will be busy these next weeks, going to orientation and furiously packing your life into giant plastic containers. While all of you are pumped for what the fall will bring, you may be feeling sad that the people you shared third grade field trips, middle school dances, and high school classes with won’t be sharing your journey with you. Instead of letting it get you down, use your free time in between work or college prep to spend some quality time with your pals before college begins.

Photo credit: flickriver.com

·         Explore your hometown: Go take a walk with your friends around your neighborhood or the local park. Pack some snacks and take plenty of pictures as you uncover the hidden gems in your area. Use the time to catch up on everyone’s summer plans and college excitement, and get to know your town a little better before you say goodbye.
·         Take a road trip: Ask your parents for the car keys and hit the road! Drive to the beach, state park, amusement park, or city to see the sights and create your own adventure. When you’re missing them in a few months, you’ll have this summer day to brighten your mood and remember how much you care about each other.
·         Spend a night in: Plan something casual and fun that’ll be easy on everyone’s budget. Bring your sleeping bags, make some microwave s’mores, and camp out in the backyard, or grab some popcorn and have a movie marathon. Even something simple will allow you to see old friends and bond in a familiar environment.
·         Try something new: Learn to dance, play soccer in the backyard, create pottery masterpieces, bake a complicated dessert, whatever you want! This will allow you to step outside your comfort zone (something you’ll all have to do when you arrive on campus) and provide plenty of laughs.

As the summer winds down, you’ll finish your packing, say one last goodbye, and begin the next chapter in your life. You’ll feel sad leaving these people behind, and that’s okay! Feel happy knowing you spent a great summer together and that all of you support each other as you head to new and exciting experiences. Have fun your first semester so each of you has great stories to tell the others over winter break!

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