Monday, August 12, 2013

Culture Shock

During the first week of college you’ll notice many different types of people. Culture shock can make you feel surprised, anxious, and confused and usually occurs when you’re exposed to a culture that is very different than yours. Are you a first generation college student? If so, this can be very hard for you because family may not understand the college transition.  International students also may experience culture shock because of the language barrier, different taste in foods, religion, and relationships.

Students who experience culture shock often try to isolate themselves by staying in the dorm, not attending campus functions, and even not making new friends. She may also spend a lot of time missing home and talking to family and old friends. Crying, over eating, over/under sleeping, withdrawal, or missing class are all signs of culture shock.

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See this in your college roommate or friends, encourage and help them adjust to the new life experience. If you’re reading this and feel you’re experiencing culture shock build some strong peer relationships, find a mentor, join a student organization, get involved on campus, or write in a journal. Do not give up on your college education!

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