Monday, August 26, 2013


When you’re in college, sitting in your first semester classes, millions of thoughts are running through your head. “She has a cool notebook,” or “I wonder what’s for lunch in the café today.” Do you ever really sit and think about what’s next? You have your major set, but is it the right one for you? Does this major help express your talent or passion? What are you great at and could see yourself doing for the rest of your life? These are the questions to sit and ask early on before getting into a major and deciding to change it at the last minute. Need help figuring out your passion? TGHT has you covered.  

Create a Career

Many people don’t know the difference between a job and a career. When choosing a career, you are choosing the kind of work you do based on your interest. It’s more long-term; even if you switch companies or organizations, you’re still in the same field. Do you want to jump from job to job without honing in on a particular skill-set or do you want to know all there is to know about a particular field and type of work? You’ll choose this path for yourself, and college will help you turn your passion and talent into a career you love.

When you speak…Listen

What do you enjoy doing? When you’re sitting alone, relaxing, where does your imagination lead you?  Take notes when you have free time and answer this question. It may be a tough one to answer, but everyday take notice of the things that interest you. 

Be Open

Yes, you’re in college and you have your major set. Even though you have your classes planned for the next year, stay open to new ideas. A new opportunity may arise where you can take an extra elective course. Take it! Find something that interests you and don’t be afraid to step out of the box.
Find a Mentor

Do you know someone in your family, community, or university that interests you? A person that talks about the same interest you have and seems so passionate? Don’t be afraid; express your interest in learning more and ask them to be your mentor. People are usually thrilled to teach someone or have a person to talk about their passion with. 

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"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within yoru the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." Harriet Tubman

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